Friday, February 24, 2017

Deportation Plan

An article published in the Dallas Morning News on the 23rd of February discusses the shocking reality of Donald Trump’s costly plan to deport millions. Trump has proposed to deport all undocumented immigrants in the United States and prevent anyone from coming in illegally in the future. I feel that if all of these people are removed from the country, there would not be enough unemployed workers left to fill all of those spots. I feel that the article was informative. I knew that Trump's deportation plan was going to be costly, but it blew my mind whenever I saw an estimated cost. The article was well written and easy to read, even for someone with no prior knowledge on the subject. The writer definitely provided the information in an organized manner. The author claims that we should just forget about the wall because it will cost the economy hundreds of billions. This claim flows clearly throughout the article, bringing in facts to support his/her claim. I feel that the writer did his/her best to provide an unbiased approach and present facts. The article was directed at Texas' general public; more specifically, citizens who are not aware of this issue, or are not already supports of undocumented immigrants and their rights. 


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