Friday, April 28, 2017

Blog Stage seven: Original editorial or commentary #2

As I said in Blog 5, the bathroom should not be passed. The Texas Senate has officially passed the so-called bathroom bill. Which to me is a big mistake. No law should make whole segments of the population feel unsafe and exploit their privacy and security.
This bill would undo that common sense precaution and force all businesses and ‘public accommodations’ to allow men who ‘identify’ as women into the ladies’ room, and vice versa.  My concerns are what are the ultimate next steps? Is there a criminal code associated with this bill so that someone may be charged? Will this lead to "bathroom monitors" whose job it is to make sure you are what you say? Can they stop someone they are not sure about on the way to the bathroom and demand some sort of indentification ? Now what if that person soils themselves while the gender gendarmes are determining their real biological sex? Does that person get to sue? If so, who? Many people are going to feel uncomfortable with having someone who is the opposite sex in the same bathroom. 

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